22 March 2009

big is oni (revisited)

oni = big (adjective) (some things Google found for "oni": a very common term; Oni is a third-person action video game; a first name; ONI is an acronym for Office of Naval Intelligence; Oni Press; a last name; means "themselves, they" in Croatian; means "they" in Czech, Polish, Serbian, Slovak, and Slovenian; means "you, one, they" in Esperanto; means "evil spirit, demon, or ogre" in Japanese; name of cities and towns in Nigeria, Norway, Georgia, Russia, and Indonesia)

Word derivation for "big" :
Basque = handi, Finnish = iso
Miresua = oni

My previous Miresua word for "big" was "niho". I'm changing this word so that I can use it in a couple of new, compound words.

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for "big" is now "osa".

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