indazko = eight (number) (adjective) (some things Google found for "indazko": Did you mean indaco? your search - indazko - did not match any documents; "indazko" is an unique term)
Word derivation for "eight" :
Basque = zortzi, Finnish = kahdeksan
Miresua = indazko
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for eight is now kahetzi.
Miresua is an imaginary, artificial, constructed language; a conlang. These words are not randomly generated. Miresua is an eclectic alphabetic mix of Basque and Finnish, two unrelated European languages.
29 April 2006
27 April 2006
seven is pesizan
pesizan = seven (number) (adjective) (some things Google found for "pesizan": an unique term, no matches found for this word; Google asked "Did you mean "Persian"")
Word derivation for "seven" :
Basque = zazpi, Finnish = seitsemän
Miresua = pesizan
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for seven is now sezpin.
Word derivation for "seven" :
Basque = zazpi, Finnish = seitsemän
Miresua = pesizan
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for seven is now sezpin.
25 April 2006
six is uskei
uskei = six (number) (adjective) (some things Google found for "uskei": a rare term; user names; Uské Orchestra of Belgium makes experimental music; perhaps a place in Sardinia, Italy; appears on "Suck on this, spam bots!")
Word derivation for "six" :
Basque = sei, Finnish = kuusi
Miresua = uskei
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for six is now sui.
Word derivation for "six" :
Basque = sei, Finnish = kuusi
Miresua = uskei
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for six is now sui.
23 April 2006
five is siboi
siboi = five (number) (adjective) (some things Google found for "siboi": a rare term; "sibói" means something in Hungarian, book "A sibói bölény" by Nyirõ József; Alexander the Great encountered a people called the Siboi in southern Pakistan and they parted in peace; "Neopsylla siboi" is a scientific name for a type of flea; user names)
Word derivation for "five" :
Basque = bost, Finnish = viisi
Miresua = siboi
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for five is now vosi.
Word derivation for "five" :
Basque = bost, Finnish = viisi
Miresua = siboi
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for five is now vosi.
21 April 2006
four is jela
jela = four (number) (adjective) (some things Google found for "jela": a common term; Jela Company Inc. of security software and technology consulting; user names; Jela's Emporium (they pronounce it "jay-lah") is an online clothing store from Texas; a feminine first name that's likely Slavic; JELA Mission Center of Lutheran Church in Tokyo Japan; a last name perhaps Romanian; places in Nigeria, and Serbia and Montenegro; islands in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia; area in Bosnia Herzegovina)
Word derivation for "four" :
Basque = lau, Finnish = neljä
Miresua = jela
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for four is now nelu.
Word derivation for "four" :
Basque = lau, Finnish = neljä
Miresua = jela
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for four is now nelu.
19 April 2006
three is helur
helur = three (number) (adjective) (some things Google found for "helur": a rare term; a UK patented medicine or pharmaceutical from Czech Republic; old Shetland word meaning "to be fretful, peevish, or indisposed and depressed"; a last name; a slangy probably deliberate misspelling of "hello"; maybe a word in Icelandic; Helur Grupp OÜ in Estonia)
Word derivation for "three" :
Basque = hiru, Finnish = kolme
Miresua = helur
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for three is now kire.
Word derivation for "three" :
Basque = hiru, Finnish = kolme
Miresua = helur
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for three is now kire.
17 April 2006
two is sai
sai = two (number) (adjective) (some things Google found for "sai": a very common term; part of Hindi names, notably Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Shirdi Sai Baba; martial arts sai weapon; SAI stands for Social Accountability International; Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity; company SAI Global Limited; SAI stands for Software Architects Inc; SAI stands for Sternberg Astronomical Institute in Russia; Sai People Solutions Inc; SAI stands for Sociological Association of Ireland; Fong Sai-Yuk (1993) is a Hong Kong martial-arts movie; respectful title for elders in Stephen King's "Dark Tower" series; user name; SAI stands for School Administrators of Iowa; SAI stands for Sociedad Argentina de Información; means "buzzard, vulture" in Basque; means "leaves" in Portuguese; mean "roll, white bread" in Estonian; means "quick, abrupt, soon" in Hmong; means "contain" in Indonesian; means "between" in Korean (Transliterated); means "fire" in Quenya; means "left" in Thai (Transliterated); means "OK, well, fine, good" in Tonga; means "endeavor, effort, attempt" in Urdu (Transliterated); means "false, wrong, untrue, inaccurate, wrongly, unjust" in Vietnamese; places in Ethiopia, Burma, Hong Kong, Cote D'Ivoire, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, Japan, Malaysia; Thailand, Ukraine, Laos, Brazil, French Guiana, Mali, Vanuatu, Indonesia, Romania, and Pakistan)
Word derivation for "two" :
Basque = bi, Finnish = kaksi
Miresua = sai
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for two is now baki.
Word derivation for "two" :
Basque = bi, Finnish = kaksi
Miresua = sai
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for two is now baki.
15 April 2006
one is bys
bys = one (adjective) (number) (some things Google found for "bys": a very common term; part of "drive-bys", "fly-bys", and "flutter bys"; BYS stands for Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron of Victoria. Australia; BYS is Byron Youth Service in Australia; Bys a Bawd is a Welsh and Welsh interest bookstore; BYS is Butterfield Youth Services of Missouri; BYS Holding food products of Turkey; BYS is a Polish company showing trucks on their website; BYS stands for Barbados Youth Service; means "would" in Czech; means "finger, hand of dial" in Welsh)
Word derivation for "one" :
Basque = bat, Finnish = yksi
Miresua = bys
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for one is now yst.
Word derivation for "one" :
Basque = bat, Finnish = yksi
Miresua = bys
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for one is now yst.
13 April 2006
old is rahan
rahan = old (adjective) (some things Google found for "rahan": a common term; Rahan is a blond, loincloth-clad caveman character in a French comic series of the same name, soon to be a movie; Rahan is a parrish in County Offaly Ireland that has a complex of ancient church ruins; Rahan Lodge Country Retreat B&B, dating from 1740, in Ireland; Rahan Guitars; Rahan Meristem is an Israeli Biotechnology company; Rahan Garmnets of Bangladesh; user names; place in Iran "Sar Takht-e Do Rahan"; means "coin" in Finnish; means "mercy" in Indonesian; means "pawn" in Maltese)
Word derivation for "old" :
Basque = zahar, Finnish = vanha
Miresua = rahan
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for old is now harna.
Word derivation for "old" :
Basque = zahar, Finnish = vanha
Miresua = rahan
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for old is now harna.
12 April 2006
gray is arais
arais = gray (color) (adjective) (some things Google found for "arais": an uncommon term; ARAIS (Asociación para la Rehabilitación des Adicciones e Integración Social) in Spain which helps people with addictions; a last name; a user name; A.R.A.I.S. is Association de Recherche, d'Action et d'Innovation Sociale in France (Research, Action and Social Innovation; Les Arais is an aerial acrobatics show from Belgium; "Arais al tein" is the Arabic title of movie "Clay Dolls" from France / Morocco / Tunisia)
Word derivation for "gray" :
Basque = gris, Finnish = harmaa
Miresua = arais
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for gray is now haris.
Word derivation for "gray" :
Basque = gris, Finnish = harmaa
Miresua = arais
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for gray is now haris.
11 April 2006
gold is ulre
ulre = gold (metal) (some things Google found for "ulre": an uncommon term; code used for University of Utah Real Estate courses; ULRE stands for Union of Lithuanian Railway Engineers; a first name that seems to be a variation of Ulrich)
Word derivation for "gold" :
Basque = urre, Finnish = kulta
Miresua = ulre
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for gold is now kure.
Word derivation for "gold" :
Basque = urre, Finnish = kulta
Miresua = ulre
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for gold is now kure.
10 April 2006
bronze is erinto
erinto = bronze (metal alloy and color) (noun and adjective) (some things Google found for "erinto": a common term; "érintő" means "tangent" in Hungarian)
Word derivation for "bronze" :
Basque = brontze, Finnish = pronssi
Miresua = erinto
This Miresua word has been changed. The word for bronze is now beronsi.
Word derivation for "bronze" :
Basque = brontze, Finnish = pronssi
Miresua = erinto
This Miresua word has been changed. The word for bronze is now beronsi.
steel is tasrei
tasrei = steel (metal) (noun) (some things Google found for "tasrei": a very rare term; name of a village in Cambodia; may mean something in Romanian)
Word derivation for "steel" :
Basque = altzairu, Finnish = teräs
Miresua = tasrei
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for steel is now azterä.
Word derivation for "steel" :
Basque = altzairu, Finnish = teräs
Miresua = tasrei
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for steel is now azterä.
09 April 2006
blue is ursein
ursein = blue (color) (adjective) (some things Google found for "ursein"; a rare term; a German word for a deep concept in mysticism and philosophy; a last name that seems to be Romanian)
Word derivation for "blue" :
Basque = urdin, Finnish = sininen
Miresua = ursein
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for "blue" is now "usin".
Word derivation for "blue" :
Basque = urdin, Finnish = sininen
Miresua = ursein
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for "blue" is now "usin".
08 April 2006
lead is belyn
belyn = lead (metal) (some things Google found for "belyn": an uncommon term; a last name; a first name; user names; Belyn ap Madoc was a prince of Merioneth Wales)
Word derivation for "lead" :
Basque = berun, Finnish = lyijy
Miresua = belyn
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for "lead" is now "lyrun".
Word derivation for "lead" :
Basque = berun, Finnish = lyijy
Miresua = belyn
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for "lead" is now "lyrun".
06 April 2006
sun is zureni
zureni = sun (noun) (some things Google found for "zureni": a rare term; a last name, can be Corsican or Italian; Zereni Beauty Salon in Milton Keynes, UK; a user name; a place in Turkey, also called Rireni; Zereni Hot Spring (Baskale) in Turkey)
Word derivation for "sun" :
Basque = eguzki, Finnish = aurinko
Miresua = zureni
This Miresua word has been changed. The word for "sun" is now "ugenki".
Word derivation for "sun" :
Basque = eguzki, Finnish = aurinko
Miresua = zureni
This Miresua word has been changed. The word for "sun" is now "ugenki".
05 April 2006
moon is kigul
kigul = moon (noun) (some things Google found for "kigul": a rare term; Kigul Island in Fox Islands of Aleutian Islands, Alaska; Thalur-Kigul is a thick-skulled dwarf blitzer on team "Mineurs du mindurathul" on game France Blood Bowl; a word in Korean when transliterated)
Word derivation for "moon" :
Basque = ilargi, Finnish = kuu
Miresua = kigul
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for moon is now kurgi.
Word derivation for "moon" :
Basque = ilargi, Finnish = kuu
Miresua = kigul
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for moon is now kurgi.
04 April 2006
horse is lehoza
lehoza = horse (animal) (noun) (some things Google found for "lehoza": a rare term; a word in Hungarian, probably related to "lehoz" which means "to bring down"; Jerusalem publisher "Machon Lehoza'at Sefarim" and likely a word in Hebrew (Transliterated))
Word derivation for "horse" :
Basque = zaldi, Finnish = hevonen
Miresua = lehoza
This word has been revised. My new Miresua word for horse is zaven.
Word derivation for "horse" :
Basque = zaldi, Finnish = hevonen
Miresua = lehoza
This word has been revised. My new Miresua word for horse is zaven.
03 April 2006
tree is auzu
auzu = tree (noun) (some things Google found for "auzu": an uncommon term; a'uzu or auzu means I seek refuge in Arabic; auzus means oats and auzu milti means oatmeal in atvian; a user name)
Word derivation for "tree" :
Basque = zuhaitz, Finnish = puu
Miresua = auzu
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for tree is now puiz.
Word derivation for "tree" :
Basque = zuhaitz, Finnish = puu
Miresua = auzu
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for tree is now puiz.
02 April 2006
river is obki
obki = river (noun) (some things Google found for "obki": an uncommon term; ÖBKI stands for Ökológiai és Botanikai Kutatóintézet (Institute of Ecology and Botany) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; OBKI stands for Orgaanilise ja Bioorgaanilise Keemia Instituut, which is some sort of university organization in Estonia)
Word derivation for "river" :
Basque = ibai, Finnish = joki
Miresua = obki
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for river is now jobai.
Word derivation for "river" :
Basque = ibai, Finnish = joki
Miresua = obki
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for river is now jobai.
01 April 2006
bird is tilru
tilru = bird (creature) (noun) (some things Google found for "tilru": a rare term; means something in Finnish, appears on several pages from Finland, perhaps a name; part of URL of a Danish page about Vladimir Lenin; "sip'tilru" means "egg" in indigenous Austronesian language Serua of southwestern Maluku in Indonesia; appears on Library of Babel; name of a female cleric dark elf on EverQuest)
Word derivation for "bird" :
Basque = txori, Finnish = lintu
Miresua = tilru
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for bird is now txitu.
Word derivation for "bird" :
Basque = txori, Finnish = lintu
Miresua = tilru
This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for bird is now txitu.
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