18 September 2006

dream is nais

nais = dream (noun) (some things Google found for "nais": a very common term; NAIS stands for National Animal Identification System of USDA; NAIS stands for National Association of Independent Schools; NAIS stands for National Association of Investigative Specialists; NAIS is NGO and Academic ICANN Study; NAIS is Legislation Information System of Latvia; NAIS stands for NASA Acquisition Internet Service; NaiS is a former brand name of electric relays; NaIS-net is a website about Nagasaki, Japan; NAIS stands for Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Society; Saint-Christophe-sur-le-Nais is a commune in France; means furnace in Scottish; means craving, disposal, intention, wish in Tagalog; means beautiful, pretty in New Guinea Pidgin English; places in Iran and Turkey)

Word derivation for "dream" :
Basque = amets, Finnish = uni
Miresua = nais

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for dream is now unes.

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