18 July 2014

comb is kamori

kamori = comb (noun) (some things Google found for "kamori": a uncommon term; a popular breed of goat in Sindh province of Pakistan; Kamori Kanko Co. Ltd. is a Japanese company operating hotels and amusement parks mainly in Hokkaido, Japan; an unusual last name; an rare first name that is usually feminine; name of place in Japan; Kamori Also is the name of a place in Hungary)

Word derivation for "comb"
Basque = orrazi, Finnish = kampa
Miresua = kamori

I usually post words on a regular schedule, but I missed doing the previous post. I simply got busy doing other stuff. Instead of throwing together a word late and tweaking the post's date, I decided to resume today after a short break.

The word comb isn't in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, but it occurs in Through the Looking-glass.
...Alice said, as she gently put it right for her; "and, dear me, what a state your hair is in!"

"The brush has got entangled in it!" the Queen said with a sigh. "And I lost the comb yesterday."

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