22 August 2014

seaside is isameratz (revisited)

isameratz = seaside (noun) (some things Google found for "isameratz": an unique term; did not match any documents)

Word derivation for "seaside" :
Basque = itsasertz (prefix for sea + edge or border)
Finnish = merenranta (prefix for marine + shore)
Miresua = isemaratz (sea + edge or border)

My previous Miresua conlang word for seaside was isemaratz. I'm making this minor change because I changed the word for sea, from isema to isame. This is a compound word.

The word seaside occurs in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland once. This comes from Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears, in the sentence following the quote in the previous post.
(Alice had been to the seaside once in her life....)

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